Detail of the surface of a lychee – the fruit of Litchi chinensis chinensis, a native of south China
detail of the fruit of Actinidia deliciosa or kiwi fruit
Flower bud of the winter's bark tree Drimys winteri, a native of Central and South America, sliced open to reveal petals, stamens and carpels
Fruit of the short-rayed burr daisy (Calotis breviradiata), a native of Australia. The feathery "rays" may facilitate dispersal by wind and animals
Flower of Indian pokeweed (Phytolacca acinosa)
Fruit of the dragon fruit or pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) encased in leaves. Inside, the fruit contains hundreds of tiny black seeds embedded in an edible, sweet, white or red pulp
Fragaria x ananassa, aka garden strawberry
Seeds on the surface of a garden strawberry. The fruit's lurid colour and sweet flesh are a perfect inducement for birds to ingest and spread them to pastures new
Fruit of the Confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis)
Fruit of the snow wood (Pararchidendron pruinosum)