
Thursday, February 28


Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray this cushy life to keep.
I pray for toys that look like mice,
And sofa cushions, soft and nice.
I pray for gourmet kitty snacks,
And someone nice to scratch my back,
For windowsills all warm and bright,
For shadows to explore at night.
I pray I'll always stay real cool
And keep the secret feline rule
To NEVER tell a human that
The world is really ruled by CATS!

"Instructions For Dogs"

1) When you have been caught " in the act " of teaching your people
Not to leave you alone for any period of time, (even if it is to pick
Up dog food), you must use this common technique to diffuse anger.
Once you hear their footsteps or the key in the lock, quickly move
Away from the chewed up shoe, rug, or houseplant. You then tilt your head and give a look of confusion. It will be for certain that you
Will NOT be punished.
2) Once a " mess " as humans call it, has been created, do anything
And everything to make it appear to be the felines fault. For example, put the felines toy in the middle of your destruction. This act is called " framing " and tends to work only sometimes, but is always worth a shot.
3) This one is exceptionally important. When you want to go for a
Walk, you must continually jump up and down, cry, whimper, bark, beg, scratch at the door and fetch your leash. You must make your person understand, for they will not know what you want unless you exaggerate each one of these actions.
4) When you are given a bone, do not share it with ANYONE, not even the person who gave it to you. You must guard it with your life, even if you have no intention of eating it. Everyone wants your bone. After all, it is the best bone in the world.
5) If your person is reading the newspaper or if the children are
Working on their homework, tear it up. It is your duty as a dog to
Demonstrate to people how to get their priorities straight. Why waste time reading or working on homework when you can be enjoying a car ride or a walk in the park?
6) When a person says the " W " word, give him/her a glimpse of how intelligent you are. Reveal the urgency to go for a W-A-L-K. If only our people knew we could spell!
7) About collection . . . Collect as many balls, bones, sticks and
Toys as you can. If you have the largest collection on the block, it
Makes you Top Dog.
8) New studies reveal that humans are attracted to the smell of dog
Breath. Knowing this, take every opportunity to breathe in your
Persons face. This displays love and affection.
9) When your person has a guest over, you must always sit in between the two people. If you have two people, do not let them sleep next to each other or spend quality time alone . . . There isn't any need for that when they could be playing ball or fetch!
10) Show signs of frustration when people make irrational demands. People tend to care about petty things, like busy streets, getting dirty, etc. People cannot comprehend the urgency to get to the park and sniff every blade of grass. They just simply don't know how to have fun. They'd rather worry! So, when your person is holding you back from getting to the park to roll in the dirt, BARK! Let your person know you are displeased with this nonsense.
11) When your person instructs you to do silly tricks, honor the
Human. Let it be known that you very well know how to sit, give paw and fetch. It's a good thing they don't know what else we know!
12) When personal hygiene is in question, take immediate action!
Locate guests and assume position. People will get the hint and
They'll love the fact that you're so thorough.
13) When peeing on someone's property or belongings, make sure to make eye contact with the owner. They like this, it shows respect.
14) It doesn't matter what size you are, barking instills fear in
People. Even if you're a toy poodle in a fenced in yard and the
Person is fifty feet away, bark. They will surely run away with
15) Last, but not least, don't forget your most important job of all.
When your person is feeling depressed or down, offer comfort, love
And affection. Your person relies on you to lick his/her face, which
Makes all human problems instantly vanish!


Tuesday, February 26


Toilet in London

Dog Facts

Amazing Dog Facts and Information
Check out these unusual and interesting dog facts and information! Interesting Dog Stats, or statistics, have also been included in this section. Learn more about the wide subject of dog facts and information. The largest, smallest, oldest and fastest - all amazing dog information and facts found on this page. Interesting information and facts about dog anatomy and development are also included! Have a look at the dog information and facts and then try out the Dog Quiz !!

Interesting Dog Facts - The World Record Breakers!

  • The Greyhound is the Fastest Dog on Earth and can run 45 miles per hour for short periods of time

  • The Irish Wolfhounds is the largest dog

  • The Great Dane is the tallest dog

  • The Chihuahua is the smallest dog

  • The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog

  • The Worlds oldest dog was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey who lived to the age of 29 years and 5 months!

Amazing Dog Facts - Did you Know...

  • Barking Sands Beach, on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, is known for its unusual dry sand that squeaks or "barks like a dog."

  • Two dogs survived the sinking of Titanic

  • The Great Dane breed of dog originates from Germany!

  • At the end of the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life", an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, was recorded by Paul McCartney for the enjoyment of his Shetland sheepdog

  • When a dog bays at the moon, it is following its basic instinct to call the pack together

  • Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible

  • Prairie dogs are not dogs - they're a kind of rodent

  • The only dog to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona."

  • Dalmatian puppies are pure white when they are born and develop their spots as they grow older

  • The Poodle's "haircut" was to improve their swimming abilities. The pom-poms were left to keep their joints warm !

Interesting Dog Facts - Dogs and their owners - Some Amazing Facts! Canine Statistics

  • There are approximately 68,000,000 dogs owned by people in the United States ranging from mutts, pedigree dogs, exotic dogs and those considered to be cool dogs!

  • An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that 33 percent of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away

  • It is estimated that one million dogs in the United States have been named the primary beneficiary in their owner's will

  • Approximately 1 in 3 households keep dogs as pets

  • 36% of homes have dogs

  • 85% of dogs visit an animal doctor in a year

  • There are a total of 157 types of dog breeds recognised by the AKC (American Kennel Club). The Pedigree Dogs

  • However, there are as many as 800 distinct breeds recognised by various groups world wide

  • The Top 5 favourite types of dog breeds in the US are:
    Labrador Retriever
    Golden Retriever
    German Shepherd

  • The Labrador Retriever is the Number 1 type of dog breed in the USA, Canada and UK !

  • According to a survey done by the American Animal Hospital Association 70% of people sign their pet's name on greeting cards

  • Based on a life span of 11 years the average cost of owning a dog is $13,550

Interesting Dog Anatomy Facts - Some Amazing Dog Anatomy Facts!

  • A young dog has only 28 milk teeth

  • Dogs take between 10 and 30 breaths every minute

  • A dog's heart beats between 70 and 120 times a minute, compared with a human heart which beats 70 to 80 times a minute

  • A dog's temperature is between 100.2 and 102.8 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the pads of their feet.

  • Female dog bites are twice as numerous as male dog bites

  • The Chow Chow dog has a black tongue

  • A dogs sight is better than that of a human in dim light

  • Dogs have a visual range of 250 degrees compared to the human range of 180 degrees

  • A dog can hear sounds 250 yards away that most people cannot hear beyond 25 yards

  • Dogs have twice as many muscles for moving their ears as people

  • The average dog's mouth exerts 150 to 180 pounds of pressure per square inch. Some dogs can apply up to 450 pounds

Interesting Puppy Facts - General and Anatomy

  • More than five million puppies are born every year in the United States

  • A puppy is born blind, deaf and toothless

  • During its first week 90% of a puppys time is spent sleeping and 10% eating

  • A puppy is only able to crawl during its first week

  • A puppy begins to see when it is between 2 to 3 weeks old

  • During the ages of 3 to 7 weeks a puppys first teeth, or milk teeth will appear

  • At the age of 3 weeks a puppy will develop its sense of smell

  • A puppy will sleep for 14 hours every day

  • A puppys adult teeth start to come through between 4 and 8 months when it starts to chew everything!

  • Some dogs reach sexual maturity at the age of eight months

  • A puppy is considered and adult at the age of one year. At this age it is as physically as mature as a 15 year-old human

Interesting Canine Facts - The Origins of Dog Phrases & Expressions

  • The expression "three dog night" originated with the Eskimos and means a very cold night - so cold that you have to bed down with three dogs to keep warm

  • The phrase "raining cats and dogs" originated in 17th Century England when many dogs and cats drowned during heavy downpours of rain and when rivers burst their banks. Their bodies would be seen floating in the rain torrents that raced through the streets giving the appearance that it had literally rained "cats and dogs"

  • The term "Dog Days" dates back to Roman times, when it was believed that Sirius, the Dog Star, added its heat to that of the sun from July 3 to August 11 and created exceptionally high temperatures. The Romans called the period "dies caniculares" or "Days of the Dog

History and Evolution of Dogs

The History and Evolution of Dogs

The Evolution of Dogs - Is Man's best friend really a descendent of tamed wolves? - The Facts!
Biologists have debated over the history and evolution of the domestic dog for hundreds of years. Most Scientists now agree that dogs are directly descended from Canis Lupus - the Grey Wolf. Dr. Robert K. Wayne, canid biologist and molecular geneticist at UCLA, has shown, through DNA research, that dogs are more closely related to the Grey Wolf than Biologists had previously suspected. In fact, due in large part to Dr. Robert K. Wayne's genetic research, the authors of the "Mammal Species of the World" the internationally accepted reference source on mammal species, reclassified the dog in 1993 from Canis Familiaris to Canis Lupus.

The Evolution Dogs from Wolves - How could Wolves be tamed and Why?
We will never now exactly why or how wolves were tamed by man, but remains of dogs dating back 10 to 15 thousand years have been found, so we at least have a "ball-park" figure of when which helps to build a picture of the History and Evolution of dogs. The wolf and man had several important things in common, we were both hunters and also hunted in packs. It is certain that during our history our paths would have regularly crossed, we would have even hunted and eaten each other! The most likely scenario is that a human hunting party came across a very young Wolf Cub and decided to take it with them. The Wolf Cub would have been very puppy like at an early age, when grown although far less trustworthy than a dog of today, would not have been quite as dangerous as a wild Wolf. A semi-tamed Wolf would probably have had considerable value to a hunter gatherer group, lending its superior hunting senses to the group. This would have helped not just in hunting but defensively as a warning system as well. The evolution of the wolf to the domestic dog began.

The Evolution of the Domestic Dog - Selective Breeding Process
Puppy rescue would not have been an isolated case but would have happened in many different groups of human hunters over our thousands of years of evolution and history. Selective breeding would have been automatic. Keeping a wolf that became overly aggressive towards the humans, or of little practical use, would have been both pointless and dangerous - such a wolf would have been killed. Only the remaining Wolves, with desirable traits, would have been selected to breed. Eventually the traits of each group of tame Wolves would reflect the needs of the group of humans it lived with: it's size, colouring, senses and even the length of its coat or swimming ability reflecting the needs of the hunters and their environments. Eventually as the number of humans increased some degree of trade would have occurred between groups, puppies being swapped and traded based on the inbred traits they now possessed - the evolution and history of various dog breeds are explained.

The Evolution of Dogs from Wolves - Descendent of the Domestic Dog
Dr. Robert K. Wayne's work implies that the modern dog, although very similar genetically to the Grey
Wolf, has many separately distinct origins in both time and locations. The Grey Wolf and our modern "canine best friend" are in fact so closely related to Grey Wolves that they can still interbreed, producing fully viable offspring.

How did dogs impact Human History? - The Evolution of the Different Breeds of Dogs
Understanding the changing requirements of man through our history and evolution enables us to put into perspective the hundreds of different breeds which were developed by man. The Groups, Classifications and Standards all begin to make perfect sense. The various 'landmarks' of the history and evolution of dogs is detailed below - for more details of each particular type of dog please refer to the links at the top of the page.

The Evolution & History of Dogs - The Sight Hounds
Sighthounds , also known as Gazehounds as their gaze focuses on the horizon seeking game, specialise in hunting their quarry by sight rather than scent. Sighthounds have distinctive characteristics, features and traits which are perfect for their purpose. Sighthounds have extremely good vision. They also have a long jaw and lengthy neck which assists them in sighting their quarry. Their lean muscular body, deep chest and long powerful legs essential assets when following any fast and agile prey.

Dogs History - The Scent Hounds
Scent Hounds specialise in following the scent or the smell of its quarry. It was not necessary for Scent Hounds to be as fast and agile as Sighthounds - they do not need to keep their quarry in sight. Scent hounds are built for endurance. They can follow a scent for long distances and even across running water. Scent Hounds have distinctive characteristics, features and traits which are perfect for their purpose. They have large noses which have deep, open nostrils and their lips are loose and moist, designed to pick up scent particles and follow the trail of an animal. Their ears are long which concentrates the scent on the nose. Their bodies are designed for endurance, an essential asset when following any scent trail.

Dogs Evolution & History - The Hound Dog Breeds
Hound Dogs have been bred to chase (or hound) a quarry by sight or smell, or a combination of both senses. Sighthounds have exceptional eyesight, combined with the speed and stamina necessary to catch the intended prey once seen, typical examples being the Greyhound and the Whippet. Hounds which rely strongly on the sense of smell to follow the trail of a prey, such as the Bloodhound, quite literally follow their noses, speed and eyesight is of less importance.

The Evolution & History of Dogs - Working Dog Breeds
Dogs in the Working group, were developed to perform a wide variety of tasks, such as herding, droving, pulling, hauling, herding, hunting, rescuing and guarding. The very nature of many of these tasks require a big, strong dog. Working dogs have always been viewed as real assets to their owners and have worked with man replacing larger animals such as horses when none such animals were available.

Dogs Evolution and History - Sporting Dog Breeds - Retrievers, Pointers and Setters
Sporting Dogs hunt by air scent, as opposed to ground scent. The Retriever, Pointer and Setter dogs were bred selectively which resulted in them fulfilling the needs of man. Retriever dogs find and return killed game to the hunter. Some Retrievers are especially equipped, for instance with a water-repellent coat and webbed feet, for retrieving downed waterfowl. Pointer dogs stand in front of their quarry, with their nose and body rigidly still , thus directing (or pointing) the hunter to its location. Setter dogs were originally trained to set, or crouch, in front of game preventing the escape of the quarry. The hunter would make the capture with a net. Man's own evolution and development in technology moved the traditional hunting methods away from primitive tools and nets - the Sporting Dogs were then called the Gundogs.

Dogs History and Evolution - The Terrier Dog Breeds
Dogs in the Terrier group were developed to hunt and kill vermin. The vermin included control rats, mice and other predatory animals such as foxes that might raided a farmer's produce and livestock. The very nature of these tasks required an energetic, tenacious, brave and determined dog.

The History of Dogs - The Non-Sporting Breeds
The characteristics and features of Non-Sporting Dogs cannot be generalised. Each breed would have originally have been introduced and strengthened by breeding with animals who already demonstrated the desired traits. As times, fashions and societies changed man established the need for breeds to assist in what was once considered entertainment such as bull or bear baiting or performing in a circus.

The Evolution & History of Dogs - Toy Dog Breeds
The Toy dogs were initially owned by the wealthy and were viewed by others as status symbols - a luxury item with little apparent purpose. The trend continue to this day. The references to Toy and miniature dogs are slowly being exchanged with references to Teacup dogs - a cute and descriptive name which is ideal for marketing this diminutive type of dog.

The History & Evolution of Dogs - Dog Shows
Man's passion and pride in his dog led to the desire to show his dog and compare it to other breeds. The organised dog shows were therefore born in the middle of the 19th Century. The dogs were unidentified except for their kennel names! This led to real confusion - there were quantities of dogs with the same names - Rover, Spot etc which were insufficiently described according to their breed or type. Organisation was required - descriptions and breed standards were needed - the Kennel Clubs were born!

The Evolution & History of Dogs - The Modern Domestic Dog
The history and evolution of the various dog breeds still continues today. New uses are being found. The technology and the innovation of the Space Age led to the Russian Space dogs (please refer to the category and link at the top of the page on Famous dogs for more details) Dogs have even become Movie Stars. What will be the next step in the History and Evolution of Dogs?

Toillet in Toronto City

Monday, February 25

Thursday, February 21

Obama Baby

Surf lessons

Doesnt look like me

Funny people


[] Your Heart is your Love, []
[]Your love is your Family , []
[]Your family is your Future , []
[]Your future is your Destiny , []
[]Your destiny is your Ambition, []
[]Your ambition is your Aspiration , []
[]Your aspiration is your Motivation , []
[]Your motivation is your Belief , []
[]Your belief is your Peace , []
[]Your peace is your Target , []
[]Your target is Heaven, []
[]Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS []

F - Few
R - Relations
I - In
E - Earth
N - Never
D - Die



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