True or False Chocolate is an energizer - True The more you exercise, the fitter you’ll be - False - Your body becomes more fragile through over-exercising. The food must be cold before refrigerating it - False - A nutrition based only on proteins can cause osteoporosis - True. The fruits used for cookies contain no vitamins - True - Body lotion prevents cellulite - True - If you chew the food for a longer time, you eat less - True - Even if it’s rich in calories, honey helps you lose weight - True You will gain weight from birth control pills - False - Wine is recommended in diets - False - Products with no animal fat are healthier - False - Alcohol has more calories then the sugar - True - Apples’ skin has more antioxidants than the pulp - True. Caffeine prevents calcium absorption - True. Frozen fruits and vegetables have the same nutritional values as the fresh ones - True. Wheat bread has less calories than the normal bread - False - |